Goose grass grows tightly around other plants such as hawthorn bushes.

suggest two reasons why this method of growth is an advantage for the goose grass.

To understand why goose grass grows tightly around other plants such as hawthorn bushes as an advantage, we can consider two possible reasons:

1. Support and structure: Goose grass is a scrambling plant that tends to have weak stems. By growing tightly around other plants, particularly bushier ones like hawthorn bushes, it can take advantage of their support and structure. The intertwined growth allows goose grass to climb up and take advantage of the physical support provided by the other plant. This enables it to reach more sunlight, which is crucial for photosynthesis and the overall growth and survival of the plant.

2. Enhanced access to resources: Growing tightly around other plants can also provide goose grass with better access to essential resources. The close proximity allows the goose grass to tap into the nutrients, moisture, and resources available in the soil that may be primarily utilized by the host plant. By growing around and intertwining with other plants, goose grass can potentially intercept more of these vital resources, giving it a competitive edge over other nearby plants. This strategy helps goose grass to thrive even in partly shaded environments where resources might be limited.

It's important to note that while these reasons explain the advantages of growing tightly around other plants for goose grass, it also brings some disadvantages for the host plant, such as shading and competition for resources.