Does anybody know any really good web sites on mustangs or horses?

Thank you

well i know some good pics.

To find good websites about mustangs or horses, there are a few different approaches you can take. One option is to search for specific websites that are dedicated to these topics. For example, you can use a search engine like Google and search for "websites about mustangs" or "websites about horses". This will provide you with a list of websites that cover these topics.

Another approach is to use reputable online encyclopedias or databases to find information about mustangs or horses. For example, a widely used online encyclopedia is Wikipedia. You can search for "mustang horse" on Wikipedia, and it will provide you with a detailed article about mustangs.

Some universities or organizations also maintain websites with detailed information about specific horse breeds. For example, the Oklahoma State University's department of animal science has a website that provides information about different horse breeds, including mustangs.

Remember, when looking for information online, it's important to assess the credibility of the sources to ensure that the information you find is reliable and accurate.