Choose an important historic event and create a drawing to memorialize the event.

I need some ideas of historic events and what I could draw for them. Help??? I can't think of anything.

Signing of the Declaration of Independence

Boston Tea Party

Battle of Bull Run

Inauguration of John F Kennedy

First Moon Landing


what kinds of things could i draw for these topics?

Do some web searching, and put your imagination in gear. You must have some ideas -- well, once you make sure you know what these are all about!

Search Google Images.


Certainly! Here are a few ideas for important historic events and suggestions for drawings to memorialize them:

1. Apollo 11 Moon Landing (1969): Draw an astronaut standing on the surface of the moon, with the lunar module in the background and the Earth shining in the sky.
2. Signing of the Declaration of Independence (1776): Create a drawing depicting the Founding Fathers gathered around a table, pens in hand, signing the historic document.
3. Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989): Showcase the euphoria of this event with a drawing of people crossing the wall, embracing and celebrating their newly gained freedom.
4. Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955): Sketch a bus with Rosa Parks sitting in the front, depicting the determination and resistance to racial segregation.
5. The Wright Brothers' First Flight (1903): Create a drawing of the Wright Brothers' biplane in mid-air, capturing the historic moment of the first powered flight.

Remember, these are just suggestions, and you can choose any historic event that resonates with you. Think about the event's key elements, symbols, and emotions associated with it, and try to capture those elements in your drawing.