anderly chooses three different whole numbers. The largest number is 3 times the smallest number. The middle number is 3 less than the largest number. The sum of the number is three numbers is greater than 30 and smaller than 35. Write an expression for the sum of the three numbers

still murky.

Am confusion

Let's start by representing the three numbers as variables.

Let's call the smallest number "x".
Since the largest number is 3 times the smallest number, we can represent it as "3x".
And since the middle number is 3 less than the largest number, we can represent it as "3x - 3".

To find the sum of the three numbers, we can add them together:
Sum = x + (3x) + (3x - 3)
Simplifying the expression, we get:
Sum = x + 3x + 3x - 3
Combining like terms, we have:
Sum = 7x - 3

Now, according to the problem, the sum of the three numbers is greater than 30 and smaller than 35. We can write this as an inequality:
30 < Sum < 35

Substituting the expression for the sum, we have:
30 < 7x - 3 < 35

From here, solve the inequality to find the range of possible values for x. Once you have that range, you can substitute the values back into the expression for the sum to get the actual sum of the three numbers.

If the smallest number is x.

3x + [3x-3] + x = 35><30.

ie. 7x + 3 = 32.

x = 35/7 = 5.

15 + 12 + 5 = 32.