Compare the tactics used by the French troops in the French and Indian War with those of the American patriots during the Revolution.


You idiot, these kids are looking for the answer to the question that they did not get

That's a good start.

Does your text say anything else on this subject?

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You're welcome

@u.u, blac hehe

we are in this dying world together just share the answers not like were gonna use this stuff in the future 1 because its history 2 because were all gonna die

They both used guerrilla tactics. But you need to put at least one example from your textbook, at least one for french and indian war, and at least one from revolutionary war. Well you can find this in your textbook very clearly.

French and Indian war- launched aa surprise attack. but who? answer that same with revolutionary war.
You got it!

To compare the tactics used by the French troops in the French and Indian War with those of the American patriots during the Revolution, we need to first understand the context of each conflict and the strategies employed by the respective sides.

The French and Indian War (1754-1763) was fought primarily between the French and British forces, with Native American tribes aligning with both sides. French tactics in this war were centered around traditional European warfare techniques, emphasizing large-scale battles and fortifications. They relied heavily on professional soldiers and used well-trained disciplined units, often collaborating with Native American allies to conduct guerilla warfare and ambushes.

On the other hand, the American patriots during the Revolutionary War (1775-1783) employed different tactics. The Patriots were faced with the challenge of confronting the much larger and better-equipped British army. Recognizing their limitations, they adopted a strategy known as guerrilla warfare, inspired by Native American tactics. This involved smaller, more mobile units that used hit-and-run tactics, ambushes, and harassment to disrupt enemy supply lines and communications. The patriots also relied heavily on partisan militia forces, utilizing their knowledge of the local terrain for defense and surprise attacks.

To further compare these tactics, let's look at specific examples:

1. Fortress Warfare: The French heavily relied on fortifications during the French and Indian War. They built fortified positions, such as Fort Duquesne and Fort Carillon, to protect their territorial claims. In contrast, the American patriots during the Revolution did not possess the resources or manpower to build large-scale fortifications. Instead, they employed tactics of siege warfare, such as the famous siege of Boston, to force the British out of strategic positions.

2. Guerrilla Warfare: The French often employed guerilla tactics in coordination with their Native American allies during the French and Indian War. They used tactics like militia ambushes and hit-and-run attacks to disrupt British supply lines and harass their troops. Similarly, the American patriots utilized similar guerrilla tactics during the Revolutionary War. Figures like Francis Marion, Thomas Sumter, and Daniel Morgan conducted ambushes, raids, and skirmishes against the British, frustrating their efforts to control the countryside.

3. Regular Army vs. Militia: In terms of troop composition, the French relied primarily on professional standing armies during the French and Indian War. They had well-trained troops and developed a system of alliances with Native American tribes. However, the American patriots faced significant challenges in forming a regular army due to limited resources. Instead, they relied heavily on militia forces, which were composed of local volunteers. These militias lacked the training, discipline, and resources of a standing army but were essential in providing localized defense and mobility.

In conclusion, while the French in the French and Indian War and the American patriots during the Revolution faced different enemies and circumstances, both employed tactics tailored to their respective situations. The French focused on traditional European warfare and collaboration with Native American allies, while the American patriots relied on guerrilla tactics, militia forces, and mobile units to counter the larger British army.

@Ms. Sue pls help

I believe that it is that they both used guerrilla warfare but that the french troops were better at it becasue they had the indians who knew what exactly it was.

I know the answer hehe :)

ya haraaaam, deez kidz, r luking forr dee answa to da questiion bat dey dinint ged id