I have to find out if Germany and China have liability insurance and what does it cover?

What do you mean if Germany or China? These are sovereign States. What do you mean liability insurance?

I have to do a project on Germany and China about whether they have liability insurance and what does the insurance cover

Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "liability insurance Germany China" to get these possible sources:

(Broken Link Removed)

There are more sources out there, which you can find by using the appropriate key words in your own search.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To find out if Germany and China have liability insurance and what it covers, you can start by researching official government resources, insurance regulatory authorities, or insurance market reports for both countries. Additionally, you can search for articles or reports from reputable insurance or business news outlets that discuss liability insurance in Germany and China.

Here are the steps you can follow:

1. Start by searching for the official websites of insurance regulatory authorities in Germany and China. These authorities are responsible for overseeing the insurance industry and can provide information on the types of insurance available in each country. Look for sections or publications specifically related to liability insurance.

2. Visit government websites of Germany and China, particularly the ministries or departments that deal with insurance or commerce. They may have information on insurance requirements, regulations, and coverage provided by liability insurance.

3. Search for reports or publications from reputable insurance market research firms. These reports often provide in-depth analysis of the insurance market in different countries, including information on the types of insurance available, coverage levels, and market trends.

4. Explore articles or reports from reputable insurance or business news outlets. These sources may cover topics related to liability insurance in Germany and China, such as changes in regulations, notable cases, or industry developments.

By conducting a comprehensive search using these steps, you will likely find the information you need to determine if Germany and China have liability insurance and what it covers. Keep in mind that insurance requirements and coverage may vary depending on the specific sector or type of liability, so it's important to consider the context of your project and focus on the relevant aspects.