Can someone please help me. I would appreciate it a lot.

1.Bartering was an early way that people___.
2.Currency is used to___.
3.Reducing the original price of an item is often called___.
4.People wait for sales to____.
5.When calculating how much you saved, you have to____.
6.Exchange rates help you to know____.
7.When exchanging from your currency to another country's currency using a foreign rate exchange table, you should_____.

What are your word choices?

Of course, I'll be glad to help you! Here are the answers to your questions:

1. Bartering was an early way that people exchanged goods and services without using money. To engage in bartering, individuals directly traded items or services they had for items or services they needed.

2. Currency is used as a medium of exchange in transactions. It makes trade and commerce more convenient by providing a standardized form of value that is widely accepted.

3. Reducing the original price of an item is often called discounting or offering a discount. Sellers do this to encourage customers to purchase the item by making it more affordable or enticing.

4. People wait for sales to take advantage of discounted prices. Sales events often offer items at lower prices than usual, allowing consumers to save money or get more value for their purchases.

5. When calculating how much you saved, you need to compare the original price of an item with the discounted price you paid. The difference between the two is the amount you saved.

6. Exchange rates help you know the value of one currency in relation to another. They indicate how much of one currency you can get in exchange for another and are useful when traveling, trading goods internationally, or making financial transactions involving different currencies.

7. When exchanging from your currency to another country's currency using a foreign exchange rate table, you should identify the current exchange rate for the currencies you are exchanging. Then, check the corresponding value in the table to determine how much of the foreign currency you will receive for a certain amount of your own currency. Remember to consider any fees or commissions involved in the exchange to get an accurate estimation of the amount you will receive.