And assembly line worker at robs bicycle factory add to seat bicycle at a rate of two seats in 11 minutes write a proportion relating the number of seats S to the number of minutes M at this rate how long will it take to add 16 seats? 19 seats?

S/M = 2/11

Now just find M for the various values of S.

To write a proportion relating the number of seats (S) to the number of minutes (M) at this rate, we need to use the information given: the assembly line worker adds two seats in 11 minutes.

We can set up the proportion as follows:

2 seats / 11 minutes = S seats / M minutes

Now, we can solve this proportion to find out how long it will take to add 16 seats and 19 seats.

For 16 seats:
2 / 11 = 16 / M

2M = 11 * 16
2M = 176

Dividing both sides by 2:
M = 176 / 2
M = 88

So, it will take 88 minutes to add 16 seats.

For 19 seats:
2 / 11 = 19 / M

2M = 11 * 19
2M = 209

Dividing both sides by 2:
M = 209 / 2
M = 104.5

So, it will take approximately 104.5 minutes to add 19 seats.

Please note that since the rate is given as two seats in 11 minutes, it is assumed that the worker maintains a constant rate of 2 seats in 11 minutes throughout the process.