The track at Coolidge Middle School is 14 of a mile long. It takes Melissa 1 minute and 40 seconds to run around the track.

How many minutes will it take Melissa to run 3 miles?

Do you mean 1/4 of a mile long?

18 minutes

To determine how long it will take Melissa to run 3 miles, we can use the given information that the track at Coolidge Middle School is 1/4 of a mile long.

First, we need to find out how many laps Melissa needs to run to cover 3 miles. To do this, we divide 3 miles by the length of one lap, which is 1/4 of a mile:

3 miles ÷ (1/4 mile) = 3 miles × (4/1 mile) = 12 laps

Therefore, Melissa needs to run 12 laps to cover 3 miles.

Next, we need to calculate how long it takes Melissa to run one lap. We are given that it takes her 1 minute and 40 seconds to run around the track.

Since there are 60 seconds in a minute, we convert the time to seconds:

1 minute × 60 seconds/minute + 40 seconds = 60 seconds + 40 seconds = 100 seconds

So, it takes Melissa 100 seconds to run one lap.

Now, to determine how long it will take Melissa to run 12 laps (or 3 miles), we multiply the time it takes her to run one lap by the number of laps:

100 seconds/lap × 12 laps =1200 seconds

Finally, to convert the time from seconds to minutes, we divide by 60:

1200 seconds ÷ 60 seconds/minute = 20 minutes

Therefore, it will take Melissa 20 minutes to run 3 miles.