Which of the following actions does NOT describe land and ownership in royal Georgia? A women were not allowed to own property B the largest land grants were limited to 500 acres C the headlights system was used to determine the size of a grant D land could be inherited

Ms.sue please help me


The answer is in the text. also just read what mrs sue said

To determine which of the following actions does NOT describe land and ownership in royal Georgia, let's analyze each option:

A) Women were not allowed to own property: To verify this statement, you can refer to historical sources, such as legal documents or records pertaining to land ownership laws in royal Georgia. You could also consult history books, articles, or scholarly research on this topic.

B) The largest land grants were limited to 500 acres: To verify this statement, you can research the land grant policies and laws established in royal Georgia. There might be specific acts, regulations, or historical accounts that detail the maximum size of land grants during this period.

C) The headright system was used to determine the size of a grant: To verify this statement, you can study the land distribution system employed in royal Georgia. Specifically, you could investigate whether the headright system was utilized and how it influenced the allocation of land grants.

D) Land could be inherited: To verify this statement, you should examine the laws and practices related to land inheritance in royal Georgia. Historical records, legal documents, or accounts of inheritance rights could offer insight into whether land could be passed down through inheritance.

By examining the historical evidence and researching primary and secondary sources related to landownership laws and practices in royal Georgia, you can determine which of the actions listed in the question does NOT describe the land and ownership policies during that time.