A Fahrenheit thermometer registers 107° while a faulty celsius thermometer registers 42°.find the error in the later


To find the error in the faulty Celsius thermometer, we need to convert the Fahrenheit temperature reading to Celsius and compare it with the reading of the faulty Celsius thermometer.

The conversion formula from Fahrenheit to Celsius is as follows:

°C = (°F - 32) * (5/9)

Applying the formula, we can calculate the Celsius equivalent of 107°F:

°C = (107 - 32) * (5/9)
= 75 * (5/9)
≈ 41.67°C

Now, we can compare this result with the reading on the faulty Celsius thermometer, which is given as 42°C.

By comparing the two values, we can deduce the error in the faulty Celsius thermometer:

Error = Actual Value - Faulty Value
= 41.67°C - 42°C
≈ -0.33°C

Therefore, the error in the faulty Celsius thermometer is approximately -0.33°C. It is measuring slightly higher than the actual value.

Not satisfactory solution get

0.6 degree Celsius

F = 1.8C + 32 = 107.

C = 41.67o.

Error = 42 - 41.67 =