1. In “Raymond’s Run,” which detail supports the prediction that Squeaky will not let Gretchen win the race? (1 point) I put * marks by ones I thought

Squeaky is insulted when Mr. Pearson suggests she give someone else “a break” this year.
Squeaky doesn’t even bother to look when Raphael Perez wins the 30-yard dash.
Squeaky feels like she is in a dream just before the race starts.
Squeaky sees Raymond imitating her stance at the starting line. ****

I disagree.


then can you help me get the right anwer

Sure. I posted a link to the story above. I suggest you reread it.

its A, hope this helps

To determine which detail in the story "Raymond's Run" supports the prediction that Squeaky will not let Gretchen win the race, we can analyze the given options.

The first detail, "Squeaky is insulted when Mr. Pearson suggests she give someone else 'a break' this year," indicates that Squeaky takes offense to the notion of allowing someone else to have a chance at winning the race. This shows that she is determined to win herself.

The second detail, "Squeaky doesn't even bother to look when Raphael Perez wins the 30-yard dash," does not directly support the prediction that Squeaky will not let Gretchen win the race. This detail reveals Squeaky's disinterest in Raphael's victory, but it doesn't necessarily indicate her determination to not let Gretchen win.

The third detail, "Squeaky feels like she is in a dream just before the race starts," does not support the prediction either. This detail implies Squeaky's nervousness or anxiety before the race, but it doesn't provide evidence of her unwillingness to let Gretchen win.

However, the fourth detail, "Squeaky sees Raymond imitating her stance at the starting line," does support the prediction. By observing her brother Raymond imitating her stance at the starting line, we can infer that Squeaky is concerned about maintaining her winning position and not giving Gretchen the opportunity to win.

Based on this analysis, the detail that supports the prediction that Squeaky will not let Gretchen win the race is "Squeaky sees Raymond imitating her stance at the starting line."