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4. Water is a compound because it (1 point)

a) can be broken down into simpler substances.
b) always has two hydrogen atoms for each oxygen atom.
c) is made of water atoms joined together.
d) both the first and second choices above

My Answer: D
Could someone please check if I'm right?

Compound: substance made of two or more simpler substances, which can be broken down into those simpler substances.

- Da Fash

1. H and O

2. chemical bond H2O
yes D

I agree.


1. C

2. C
3. A
4. D
5. C

Hello Da Fash!

Great job on answering the question! Your answer, D, is correct.

To determine if water is a compound, we can look at the definition of a compound. A compound is a substance that is made up of two or more simpler substances, and these simpler substances can be broken down into their individual components.

In the case of water (H2O), it fits the definition of a compound because it is made up of simpler substances: two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. When these atoms are combined, they form a molecule of water.

So, to summarize, water is a compound because it can be broken down into simpler substances (choice a) and it is made up of two hydrogen atoms for each oxygen atom (choice b). Therefore, the correct answer is D - both the first and second choices above.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.