A mixture contains 33.5% A, 22.8% B, the remainder being component C. if you have 25.0 g of this mixture, how many grams of each component are there?

%C = 100% - %A - %B = ?

g A = 25.0 x 0.335 = ?

To determine the grams of each component in the mixture, we need to calculate it based on the percentages given. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Convert the percentages to decimals by dividing them by 100.
- A: 33.5% = 33.5/100 = 0.335
- B: 22.8% = 22.8/100 = 0.228

Step 2: Calculate the grams of each component.
- A: Multiply the mass of the mixture by the percentage of component A.
Grams of A = 25.0 g × 0.335 = 8.375 g
- B: Multiply the mass of the mixture by the percentage of component B.
Grams of B = 25.0 g × 0.228 = 5.7 g

Step 3: Calculate the grams of component C.
- Component C accounts for the remainder of the mixture.
- Grams of C = Total mass of the mixture - Grams of A - Grams of B
= 25.0 g - 8.375 g - 5.7 g
= 10.925 g

Therefore, in a mixture of 25.0 g, there are approximately 8.375 grams of component A, 5.7 grams of component B, and 10.925 grams of component C.