9/13 + (-2/15)= in fraction form

135/195 - (26/195) = 109/195

Since you are adding a positive fraction to a negative fraction, the equation changes to subtraction. 9/13 - 2/15. Do the math and you come out with 109/195 (0.558974)

To add or subtract fractions, we need to have a common denominator.

Step 1: Find the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators (13 and 15). In this case, the LCM of 13 and 15 is 195.

Step 2: Convert the fractions to have the same denominator (195 in this case).

For the fraction 9/13, we can multiply the numerator and denominator by 15 to get the same denominator:

(9/13) * (15/15) = 135/195

For the fraction -2/15, we can multiply the numerator and denominator by 13 to get the same denominator:

(-2/15) * (13/13) = -26/195

Step 3: Add the fractions together:

135/195 + (-26/195) = (135 - 26) / 195 = 109/195

Therefore, 9/13 + (-2/15) = 109/195.