Which ordered pair is a solution of the equation y=4x?

A (1,3)
B (-1,-4)
C (-4,-1)

Can Someone help me solve this pls ?

Like what how do you do that because the answers are like answers to graphing but were not graphing atleast that I know of so how do I solve it by subing the answers for the unknown like

A: 3 = 4*1? Nope

B: -4 = 4*(-1)? Yes
C: -1 = 4(-4)? Nope
D: -4 = 4*1? Nope

Yes, I can help you solve this problem.

To determine which ordered pair is a solution of the equation y=4x, we need to substitute the x and y values of each ordered pair into the equation and check if the equation holds true.

Let's go through each option:

A) Ordered pair (1,3)
Substituting x=1 and y=3 into the equation y=4x, we get:
3 = 4(1)
3 = 4
This equation is not true, so (1,3) is not a solution.

B) Ordered pair (-1,-4)
Substituting x=-1 and y=-4 into the equation y=4x, we get:
-4 = 4(-1)
-4 = -4
This equation is true, so (-1,-4) is a solution.

C) Ordered pair (-4,-1)
Substituting x=-4 and y=-1 into the equation y=4x, we get:
-1 = 4(-4)
-1 = -16
This equation is not true, so (-4,-1) is not a solution.

D) Ordered pair (1,-4)
Substituting x=1 and y=-4 into the equation y=4x, we get:
-4 = 4(1)
-4 = 4
This equation is not true, so (1,-4) is not a solution.

Therefore, the ordered pair that is a solution of the equation y=4x is B) (-1,-4).

Try substituting the answer choices for the unknowns in the equation.

1 = 4 * 3 -- Nope