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11. What does it mean for a design to be content driven? (1 point)

a) The content in the design is organized to be visually attrative
b) The design contains more information than decoration.
c) The design focuses on functionality over visual appeal.
d) The purpose(s) for the design are all equally important.

My Answer: C
The reason why I chose this answer is because as the name says, if something is content driven, it must mean that it focuses on the material that has to be communicated to others. That's like having its own purpose.

functionality: the ability to serve an intended purpose

Could you please check my answer?

- Da Fash

I'm not sure. Check out some of the descriptions here:


Ok, so I looked at the sources at it seems that the answer would be B. The reason why is that I I found this,

"Websites are built around information (requiring the information to high quality), instead of just eye-catching designs and visuals."

"Content-driven design is particularly important when considering mobile access – limited screen space means the design may have to change to successfully give the mobile user all the information provided on the site. This can’t be done easily if the visual design is already fixed in place."

So, this means that the website is built on the content. Could you please check if I'm right?

Hi Da Fash! Thanks for your question. Let's analyze each answer choice to determine the correct option.

a) The content in the design is organized to be visually attractive:
This option suggests that the organization of the content in the design is mainly for the purpose of visual appeal. While visual appeal can be a part of content-driven design, it is not the defining characteristic.

b) The design contains more information than decoration:
This option suggests that in content-driven design, there is more emphasis on providing information rather than focusing on decorative elements. This aligns with the idea of content-driven design.

c) The design focuses on functionality over visual appeal:
This option suggests that the main focus of content-driven design is on functionality rather than purely visual appeal. This could also be a valid characteristic of content-driven design.

d) The purpose(s) for the design are all equally important:
This option suggests that all the purposes of the design are equally important. While this could be true in some cases, it does not specifically address the concept of content-driven design.

Based on the explanations above, it seems that both options b) and c) could be valid answers. Content-driven design generally prioritizes providing information (option b) and emphasizes functionality (option c) rather than purely visual appeal or equally important purposes. However, since you chose option c) (The design focuses on functionality over visual appeal), your answer aligns more closely with option c).

Therefore, it seems that option c) is a reasonable choice.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.