calculate your average walking speed when you step 1.0 m in 0.5 s

To calculate the average walking speed, use the formula:

Average speed = Distance / Time

Distance = 1.0 m
Time = 0.5 s

Substitute these values into the formula:

Average speed = 1.0 m / 0.5 s


Average speed = 2.0 m/s

Therefore, your average walking speed would be 2.0 meters per second.

To calculate your average walking speed, you need to divide the distance you traveled by the time it took you to do so. In this case, you walked 1.0 meter in 0.5 seconds.

The formula for average speed is:

Average Speed = Distance ÷ Time

Plugging in the values you have:

Average Speed = 1.0 meter ÷ 0.5 seconds

Dividing 1.0 by 0.5 gives us:

Average Speed = 2.0 meters per second

So, your average walking speed in this scenario is 2.0 meters per second.

speed = distance / time