1. Why was the Declaration of Independence so important? (Select 2)

a. it set up the U.S government***

b. it explained the ideals of liberty, justice, and equality

c. it announced that American colonies were separate from great Britain***

d. it gave Americans the right to vote for leaders

For this one, would b. or c. make the most sense? In my opinion, it would be c. because that was what it was declaring.

2. What was the relationship between the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights? (Select 1)

a. The Bill of Rights outlines rights explained in the Declaration of Independence***
b. The Bill of Rights expands on the reasons for revolution stated in the Declaration of Independence
c. The Bill of Rights creates a strong government in place of the Declaration of Independence
d. The Bill of Rights guarantees individual freedoms described in the Declaration of Independence

I believe it's a. because it's definitely not c. or d., and a. made more sense than b.

3. Which ideas from the Declaration of Independence support women's suffrage?

a. "We hold these Truths to be self-evident"
b. "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"
c. "Governments are instituted among Men"
d. "deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed"***

This one only makes sense for it to be D.



Karissa you are correct.

1. B and C

2. D
3. D

1 B,C

2 D
3 D
Got a 100%



1. B, C

2. D
3. D
I got a 100%

Karissa is correct.

Karissa was 100% correct.

Karissa was 100% correct!!!

1. B,C
2. D
3. D

1.B C

thx Karrisa i got a 100