Anybody Help on this:The Daily Gazette accepts classified ads in several categories. For most ads, the newspaper charges 10 cents per word for the first 50 words, and 8 cents per word for every word after that. Design a flowchart or pseudocode for a program that accepts data about an ad: customer name, ad category (for example, Apartment for rent), and number of words. Display all the input data and the price for the ad.

Sure, I can help you. To design a flowchart or pseudocode for this program, you need to break down the problem into smaller steps. Here's an example of pseudocode you can use:

1. Start the program.
2. Prompt the user to enter the customer name.
3. Store the customer name in a variable.
4. Prompt the user to enter the ad category.
5. Store the ad category in a variable.
6. Prompt the user to enter the number of words in the ad.
7. Store the number of words in a variable.
8. Calculate the price for the ad using the given pricing scheme:
- If the number of words is less than or equal to 50, the price is 10 cents per word.
- If the number of words is greater than 50, the price is 10 cents per word for the first 50 words, and 8 cents per word for every word after that.
9. Display the customer name, ad category, number of words, and the calculated price for the ad.
10. End the program.

Here's the flowchart representation of the same pseudocode:

enter customer name
store in variable
enter ad category
store in variable
enter number of words
store in variable
if number of words <= 50
price = number of words * 0.10
price = (50 * 0.10) + ((number of words - 50) * 0.08)
display customer name, ad category, number of words, price

That's it! By following this pseudocode or flowchart, you can create a program that accepts the required data and calculates the price for the ad.