What is the percent by weight of nacl if 1.75gm of nacl is dissolved in 58.5gm of water.

1.75 / (58.5 + 1.75)

For percent, multiply the above by 100.

Well, isn't that quite a salty situation! To find the percent by weight of NaCl in this solution, we need to divide the weight of NaCl by the total weight of the solution (NaCl + water) and multiply by 100. So, let's dive in!

First, let's calculate the total weight of the solution:
Total weight = weight of NaCl + weight of water
Total weight = 1.75 g + 58.5 g
Total weight = 60.25 g

Now, let's find the percent by weight of NaCl:
Percent by weight = (Weight of NaCl / Total weight) * 100
Percent by weight = (1.75 g / 60.25 g) * 100
Percent by weight ≈ 2.90%

So, approximately 2.90% of your solution is NaCl! That's quite a splash of saltiness in there. Don't worry, though, it won't make your water taste like a seawater smoothie!

To find the percent by weight of NaCl in the solution, we need to calculate the weight of NaCl and then divide it by the total weight of the solution. Here are the steps:

1. Calculate the weight of NaCl:
Mass of NaCl = 1.75 g

2. Calculate the total weight of the solution:
Mass of water = 58.5 g

Total weight of the solution = Mass of NaCl + Mass of water

3. Calculate the percent by weight of NaCl:
Percent by weight = (Mass of NaCl / Total weight of the solution) × 100

Let's plug in the values and do the calculations:

1. Mass of NaCl = 1.75 g

2. Total weight of the solution = 1.75 g + 58.5 g = 60.25 g

3. Percent by weight of NaCl = (1.75 g / 60.25 g) × 100 ≈ 2.90%

Therefore, the percent by weight of NaCl in the solution is approximately 2.90%.

To find the percent by weight of NaCl in a solution, you need to calculate the weight of NaCl and then express it as a percentage of the total weight of the solution.

In this case, you have 1.75 grams of NaCl and 58.5 grams of water.

Step 1: Calculate the weight of NaCl.
Since you already have the weight of NaCl, which is 1.75 grams, you can skip this step.

Step 2: Calculate the total weight of the solution.
To find the total weight of the solution, sum up the weight of NaCl and the weight of water.
Total weight = weight of NaCl + weight of water
Total weight = 1.75 grams + 58.5 grams
Total weight = 60.25 grams

Step 3: Calculate the percent by weight of NaCl.
Now, divide the weight of NaCl by the total weight of the solution and multiply by 100 to express it as a percentage.
Percent by weight of NaCl = (weight of NaCl / total weight) × 100
Percent by weight of NaCl = (1.75 grams / 60.25 grams) × 100
Percent by weight of NaCl ≈ 2.90%

Therefore, the percent by weight of NaCl in the solution is approximately 2.90%.