A flagpole that is 21 feet tall casts a shadow of 9 1/3 feet. If the steeple of a nearby church cast a shadow of 57 feet at the same time, how tall is the church?

x / 57 = 21 / (9 1/3)

21/(9 1/3) / x/57

Cross multiply and solve for x.

To find the height of the church, we can use a proportion since we have a similar triangle situation.

Let's set up a proportion between the flagpole and the church steeple shadows:

Height of Flagpole / Length of Flagpole Shadow = Height of Church / Length of Church Shadow

We know that the height of the flagpole is 21 feet and the length of its shadow is 9 1/3 feet. We also know that the length of the church shadow is 57 feet.

Plugging in these values, we get:

21 feet / 9 1/3 feet = Height of Church / 57 feet

To make calculations easier, let's convert the mixed number 9 1/3 to an improper fraction.

9 1/3 feet is equal to (3 * 9 + 1) / 3 = 28/3 feet.

So, our proportion becomes:

21 feet / (28/3) feet = Height of Church / 57 feet

To solve for the height of the church, we can cross multiply and then solve for the unknown value:

(21 feet * 57 feet) / (28/3) feet = Height of Church

To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators and denominators straight across:

(21 * 57) / (28/3) feet = Height of Church

By multiplying the whole numbers and dividing by the fraction, we get:

1197 / (28/3) feet = Height of Church

To divide a fraction, we multiply by its reciprocal:

1197 * (3/28) feet = Height of Church

Now, let's simplify this multiplication:

1197 * 3 / 28 feet = Height of Church

3558 / 28 feet = Height of Church

Now, let's simplify this fraction:

127.07142857 feet = Height of Church (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

So, the height of the church is approximately 127.07 feet.