The price of a popular soft drink is $0.980 for 24.0 oz (ounces) or $0.780 for 0.500 L. 1 qt = 32.0 oz. What is the price per liter of the 24.0 oz bottle? What is the price per liter of the 0.500 L bottle?

To find the price per liter (L) of the 24.0 oz bottle and the 0.500 L bottle, we need to convert the prices given in ounces to liters.

Let's start with the price per liter of the 24.0 oz bottle:

1. Convert ounces to liters:
24.0 oz * (1 qt/32.0 oz) * (1 L/1.057 qt) = 0.710 L

We first convert the ounces to quarts using the conversion factor: 1 qt = 32.0 oz.
Then we convert quarts to liters using the conversion factor: 1 L = 1.057 qt.

2. Calculate the price per liter of the 24.0 oz bottle:
Price per liter = $0.980 / 0.710 L = $1.380/L

So, the price per liter of the 24.0 oz bottle is $1.380.

Next, let's calculate the price per liter of the 0.500 L bottle:

1. Calculate the price per liter of the 0.500 L bottle:
Price per liter = $0.780 / 0.500 L = $1.560/L

So, the price per liter of the 0.500 L bottle is $1.560.

To calculate the price per liter of the 24.0 oz bottle, we need to convert the volume to liters and then divide the price by that volume.

1 quart (qt) is equal to 32.0 oz, so 24.0 oz is equivalent to 24.0/32.0 = 0.75 quarts.
The price per liter for the 24.0 oz bottle can be calculated as follows:

Price per liter = (Price per quart * Number of liters in a quart) / Volume in liters
= ($0.980 * $1.00) / 0.75
= $0.980 / 0.75
= $1.31

Therefore, the price per liter of the 24.0 oz bottle is $1.31.

To calculate the price per liter of the 0.500 L bottle, we can simply divide the price by the volume.

Price per liter = Price per bottle / Volume
= $0.780 / 0.500
= $1.56

Therefore, the price per liter of the 0.500 L bottle is $1.56.

cost/L of 0.5L bottle is

0.78/L x 1 L/0.5L = 0.??/l

cost/qt for 24 oz stuff is
0.980/oz x 32 oz/24 oz = approx 1.30/qt but you need an exact number.
Then we know 1 qt = 0.946 L so
approx 1.30/qt x 1 qt/0.946 L = ?