If p and q are to integrs such that p is the predecessor of q than p-q =?

To find the value of p - q when p is the predecessor (the integer that comes just before) q, we can follow these steps:

1. Understand the concept:
In mathematics, the predecessor of a number is the number that comes just before it. For example, the predecessor of 5 is 4, and the predecessor of 10 is 9.

2. Calculate p:
To find the predecessor of q, we need to subtract 1 from q. So, p = q - 1.

3. Calculate p - q:
Now that we know the value of p, we can substitute it into the expression p - q:
p - q = (q - 1) - q

Using the distributive property, we can simplify this expression:
p - q = q - 1 - q

Next, we can combine the q terms together:
p - q = -1

Therefore, when p is the predecessor of q, p - q will always be -1.