Which of the following is not one of a manager's four areas of responsibility?

A. Being a competent subordinate
B. Being a good boss
C. Maintaining good relationships with other managers
D. Speaking one's mind always


Yes, D.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question and analyze each option:

A. Being a competent subordinate: This option refers to a manager's responsibility to be competent and perform well in their own subordinate role. While it is important for a manager to be skilled and knowledgeable in their area of responsibility, being a competent subordinate is not one of the four primary areas of responsibility for a manager.

B. Being a good boss: Being a good boss is an essential responsibility of a manager. It involves providing guidance and support to employees, setting expectations, and promoting a positive work environment. This option is likely one of the four areas of responsibility for a manager.

C. Maintaining good relationships with other managers: A manager often needs to work collaboratively with other managers to ensure smooth operations, coordinate activities, and achieve organizational goals. Maintaining good relationships with other managers is typically considered a responsibility for a manager.

D. Speaking one's mind always: This option refers to the communication style of a manager. While it is important for a manager to foster open communication, speaking one's mind always may not always be appropriate or effective. However, this option focuses more on personal communication style than the core areas of managerial responsibility.

Based on our analysis, option D, "Speaking one's mind always," is not one of the four areas of responsibility for a manager. The correct answer is D.