1) Which of the following are fossil fuels?

a. coal
b. limestone
c. coral skeleton
d. petroleum
e. choice a and d are both fossil fuels


2) Satellite and other scientific data have shown that, over the past several decades, global temperatures have ____ and CO2 levels have ____.
a. increased, increased
b. decreased, decreased
c. increased, stayed about the same
d. gone up and down randomly, increased
e. increased, decreased


3)Which of the following is an example of the fast pathway of the carbon cycle in nature?
a. fossil fuel formation
b. photosynthesis/ cell respiration
c. fossil formation
d. coral skeleton form reefs
e. limestone deposits


4) resources that are applied too slowly to be useful for human needs are called
a. limiting facotors
b. renewable
c. natural resources
d. nonrenewable
e. non-sustainable


I agree with your first two answers but not the last two.

3- b 4- b

3b - yes

4b - no

Please do not post this question again.

I did not post the question again.

Ms Sue and anonymous you are wrong ,the answer is 3-a,4-d, in 3 , b says cell respiration instead of cellular respiration so it is wrong which makes choice a the answer and in no 4 the question asks of resources that are too slow for human use not resources that can be reused by human which makes it d-nonrenewable resources.

To get the answer to question 1, you need to understand what fossil fuels are. Fossil fuels are formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago, which have undergone chemical changes over time. They are a non-renewable energy source. By looking at the given options, you can identify which ones match the characteristics of a fossil fuel. In this case, coal (option a) and petroleum (option d) are both fossil fuels. Therefore, the correct answer is e.

For question 2, you would need to analyze the information provided about global temperatures and CO2 levels. The question states that over the past several decades, global temperatures have changed, and it also mentions CO2 levels. From the provided options, you can see that option a, which states that global temperatures have increased and CO2 levels have increased, matches the explanation given. Therefore, the correct answer is a.

In question 3, you need to understand the fast pathway of the carbon cycle in nature. The options provided give different examples, and you need to identify which one matches the characteristics of the fast pathway. Fossil fuel formation (option a) involves the decomposition of organic matter over millions of years, which is a slow process. On the other hand, photosynthesis and cell respiration (option b), fossil formation (option c), coral skeleton formation (option d), and limestone deposits (option e) are part of the slow pathway. Thus, the correct answer is a.

To answer question 4, you need to know the definition of resources that are applied too slowly to be useful for human needs. These resources are referred to as nonrenewable. Among the given options, nonrenewable is represented by d. Therefore, the correct answer is d.