Sara is two years older than her brother. The sum of their ages is 29.

a. Write an equation

b. How old is Sara?

c. How old is Sara's brother?

I get the problem. It's the answer i don't get.

So I did x+(x+2)=29

So Sara would be 15.5 years old.
So is it okay that there is a decimal or should I change it to a fraction.


a. To write an equation, let's assign variables to represent Sara's age and her brother's age. Let's say x represents the brother's age. Since Sara is two years older than her brother, we can represent Sara's age as x + 2.

The sum of their ages is given as 29, so we can write the equation as follows:

x + (x + 2) = 29

b. To find Sara's age, we need to solve the equation. Let's simplify it:

2x + 2 = 29

Next, we'll isolate the variable term:

2x = 29 - 2
2x = 27

Finally, we divide both sides of the equation by 2:

x = 27 / 2
x = 13.5

Therefore, Sara's brother is 13.5 years old.

c. Now that we have Sara's brother's age, we can find Sara's age by substituting x back into the equation:

Sara's age = x + 2
Sara's age = 13.5 + 2
Sara's age = 15.5

Thus, Sara is 15.5 years old.

You really should be able to do this ....

brother's age ---- x
Sara is two years older , so her age is x+2

"sum of their ages is 29"
sum --- +
their ages ---- I defined them for you
is ---- =

Now form the equation, and solve it.
Let me know how it worked out for you