Find the square root of 25xsquared-40xy+16ysquared

(a - b)^2 = a^2 - 2ab + b^2


25x^2 - 40xy + 16y^2

what do you think?

To find the square root of the expression 25x^2 - 40xy + 16y^2, we can use the concepts of factoring and the square root property. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start by factoring the expression as much as possible. We have:

25x^2 - 40xy + 16y^2

This expression can be factored into:

(5x - 4y)^2

2. Now, we can apply the square root property. Take the square root of both sides of the equation:

√[(5x - 4y)^2] = √[25x^2 - 40xy + 16y^2]

Remember that when taking the square root of a squared expression, you get the absolute value of the expression. So, we have:

|5x - 4y| = √[25x^2 - 40xy + 16y^2]

3. Finally, simplify the square root of the expression:

|5x - 4y| = √[(5x - 4y)^2]

Since we have the absolute value on the left side, we can remove it by considering both positive and negative solutions:

5x - 4y = ±√[(5x - 4y)^2]

So, the square root of 25x^2 - 40xy + 16y^2 is ±(5x - 4y).