Hi i need help with career choice. I am currrently Grade 9. I choice the subjects Life Science, Buisness,Tourism and Mathematics(pure)

Where can this lead me into?
And what College/university can i study at?
Please help if any potions available.

At your age, the choices are wide open. You don't need to be concerned about colleges or open positions, until you are closer to graduation.

If you still want more information, I would suggest seeing your high school counselor, possibly taking some interest tests.
I hope this helps.

Based on the subjects you mentioned, there are several potential career paths that you can consider. Here are a few options:

1. Life Sciences: If you have an interest in biology and related fields, you could pursue a career in healthcare, such as becoming a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, or biomedical researcher. Alternatively, you could choose a more specialized field within life sciences like genetics, environmental science, or biotechnology.

2. Business and Tourism: These subjects can open up opportunities in the hospitality and tourism industry, including hotel management, event planning, travel and tourism management, or even starting your own business. You might also consider pursuing a degree in business administration, marketing, or entrepreneurship.

3. Mathematics: If you have a strong interest and aptitude for mathematics, you could consider careers in fields such as finance, data analysis, actuarial science, statistics, computer science, or research.

To determine which specific colleges or universities you can study at, it's important to gather information about the available programs and their admission requirements. Consider the following steps:

1. Research: Look into colleges and universities that offer programs related to your areas of interest. You can start by searching online or using college search engines. Review their program offerings, curriculum, and admission requirements.

2. Visit College Websites: Visit the websites of the colleges or universities you are interested in. Look for information on the specific programs you are considering, including course details, faculty profiles, and any prerequisites or entry requirements.

3. Open Days/Career Fairs: Attend open days or career fairs organized by colleges and universities. These events provide an opportunity to explore different programs, meet faculty members, and seek guidance on admissions and career prospects.

4. Guidance Counsellors: Consult with your school's guidance counsellors. They can provide valuable information about educational paths, scholarships, and local opportunities.

Remember, the career options mentioned above are just a starting point, and there are many other possibilities based on your specific interests, skills, and values. Take the time to research, explore, and seek guidance to make an informed decision about your future career.