Insert parentheses brackets and or braces


5(6-1) + 3

5*5 + 3

25 + 3


To correctly insert parentheses, brackets, and braces in the expression "5x6-1+3=28", we need to follow the order of operations (also known as the PEMDAS rule):

P: Parentheses
E: Exponents (i.e., powers and square roots, etc.)
MD: Multiplication and Division (from left to right)
AS: Addition and Subtraction (from left to right)

Let's break down the expression step by step:

1. 5x6 = 30
The multiplication 5x6 equals 30.

2. 30-1 = 29
Subtracting 1 from 30 gives us 29.

3. 29+3 = 32
Adding 3 to 29 results in 32.

Since the equation states "5x6-1+3=28", and we obtained 32 as our final result, we can see that the equation is not balanced.

To modify the expression, we can insert parentheses and reevaluate the equation. Let's assume we insert parentheses around the "5x6" portion:


Now, let's follow the order of operations again:

1. (5x6) = 30
The multiplication (5x6) equals 30.

2. 30-1 = 29
Subtracting 1 from 30 gives us 29.

3. 29+3 = 32
Adding 3 to 29 results in 32.

Since 32 does not equal 28, we can conclude that there is no way to insert parentheses, brackets, or braces in the original expression to make it equal to 28.