to place the caption at the top of the image you will need to change the

1- First person

2- Third person
2- position

- baby yoda 2021




THANKS Someone Who Doesn't




I really need help on this?


@Baby yoda

Is right thanks man

@BabyYoda is 100% connexus users will get 100% too! Thx

To place the caption at the top of the image, you will need to modify the CSS or HTML code of the image placement. The specific steps may depend on the programming language or framework used for your website or application. Here are general instructions on how you can achieve this:

1. Identify the HTML element that contains the image. This could be an `<img>` tag or a container element like `<div>`.

2. Apply a CSS style to the element that will position the caption at the top. You can use the `position` and `top` properties to achieve this.

.image-container {
position: relative;

.caption {
position: absolute;
top: 0;

In this example, the `.image-container` class represents the container element, and the `.caption` class represents the caption element.

3. Wrap the image element with another element, such as a `<div>`, to create the container element.

<div class="image-container">
<img src="your-image-url.jpg" alt="Image">
<div class="caption">Your Caption Text</div>

Make sure to replace `"your-image-url.jpg"` with the actual URL of your image and update the caption text accordingly.

4. Adjust the CSS styles as needed to customize the appearance of the caption, such as font size, color, or background.

Remember to test the changes on different devices and screen sizes to ensure the caption is positioned correctly at the top of the image.

What are you changing? Are you placing lead type in a different place, moving the caption on the paste-up, using Photoshop or PowerPoint? And what is your answer to the question? We can't check your answer unless we understand the question AND know what your answer is.