Construct a quadrilateral ABCD such that AB=4.5cm,BC=5cm,angleA=60 ,angleB=100and angle C=120

We cannot construct any figures on these posts.

To construct a quadrilateral ABCD with the given information, follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a line segment AB with a length of 4.5 cm.
Step 2: At point B, draw a line segment BC with a length of 5 cm, forming an angle of 100 degrees with AB.
(To construct this angle, measure 100 degrees using a protractor from line AB at point B. Then, draw a line segment BC along the measured angle.)
Step 3: At point C, draw a line segment CD such that it forms an angle of 120 degrees with BC.
(To construct this angle, measure 120 degrees using a protractor from line BC at point C. Then, draw a line segment CD along the measured angle.)
Step 4: Connect points D and A to form the fourth side of the quadrilateral.

Make sure that all sides and angles are correctly measured and drawn according to the given information to construct the quadrilateral ABCD.