What's "the Awakening" by Kate chopin point of view and the effect of any significant shifts in the narrative voice ?

If you have read it, you should be able to answer the question.


"The Awakening" by Kate Chopin is primarily written in the third-person limited point of view. Third-person limited means that the story is narrated by an external voice, but the perspective is restricted to the thoughts and experiences of a single character, in this case, Edna Pontellier. This point of view allows the readers to gain insights into Edna's consciousness, emotions, and introspection, providing a deeper understanding of her personal journey.

Throughout the novel, the narrative voice remains consistent with this third-person limited perspective, mainly focusing on Edna's evolving thoughts and actions. However, there are significant shifts in the narrative voice, which mark crucial moments in the story and reflect Edna's changing mindset and emotional state.

One significant shift in the narrative voice occurs towards the end of the novel when Edna's awakening intensifies, and she begins to reject societal norms and expectations. At this stage, the narrative voice becomes more detached and objective, reflecting Edna's increasing disconnection from the world around her. The language used becomes more poetic and descriptive, emphasizing the vividness of Edna's experiences as she explores her newfound desires and sense of self.

Additionally, the narrative voice also shifts when Edna encounters pivotal characters or experiences significant events. For instance, when Edna meets Robert Lebrun, the object of her desire, the narrative voice adopts a more romantic and lyrical tone, mirroring Edna's infatuation and the heightened emotional atmosphere.

These shifts in the narrative voice serve to enhance the reader's understanding of Edna's inner struggles, growth, and liberation. They allow us to empathize with her journey and witness her transformation more intimately, ultimately contributing to the overall impact of the novel.