zoey made 5 1/2 cups of trail mix for a camping trip. she wants to divide the trail mix into 3/4 cup servings . what size would the servings need to be for 10 people to have a serving equally

See your previous post.

To find the size of the servings needed for 10 people to have an equal serving, we first need to determine how many servings we can make from the total amount of trail mix.

Zoey made 5 1/2 cups of trail mix. We can convert this mixed number into an improper fraction. Multiplying the whole number (5) by the denominator (2) and adding the numerator (1) gives us a total of 11/2 cups.

Now, let's determine how many 3/4 cup servings can be made from 11/2 cups of trail mix. To do this, we can divide 11/2 by 3/4.

To divide fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. The reciprocal of 3/4 is 4/3.

So, we have:

(11/2) ÷ (3/4) = (11/2) * (4/3)

Multiplying the numerators and denominators gives us:

(11 * 4)/(2 * 3) = 44/6

Simplifying this fraction, we have:

44/6 = 22/3

Therefore, we can make 22/3 or 7 1/3 servings of 3/4 cup from 5 1/2 cups of trail mix.

To find the size of the servings needed for 10 people to have an equal serving, we divide the total amount of trail mix by the number of people:

(7 1/3 servings) ÷ (10 people) = (22/3 servings) ÷ (10/1 people)

To divide fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. The reciprocal of 10/1 is 1/10.

So, we have:

(22/3) ÷ (10/1) = (22/3) * (1/10)

Multiplying the numerators and denominators gives us:

(22 * 1)/(3 * 10) = 22/30

Simplifying this fraction, we have:

22/30 = 11/15

Therefore, to have an equal serving for 10 people, each serving size should be 11/15 cup.