1. In Renoir painting, we can see warm colors such as orange and yellow.

2. In Renoir painting, we can see warm colors like orange and yellow.

3. In Renoir painting, we can see warm colors for example orange and yellow.

4. In Renoir painting, we can see warm colors, for example orange and yellow.
Q1: Are they all the same in meaning? In the last two sentnces, 'for example' is used. Do we have to put a comma before 'for example'?

Q2: How do you pronounce 'Renoir'?
Do we have to stress the first syllable or the second syllable?
I could see two stress patterns in the dictionary. Which one is commonly used?

In all four sentences, "Renoir" needs to be in singular possessive form ~~> Renoir's

In sentences 3 and 4, you need a comma before and a comma after "for example" -- see Rule 2 here: http://data.grammarbook.com/blog/commas/commas-part-10/

Pronunciation --


Click on the little sound icon to hear his name pronounced. ren-WAHR

A1: Yes, all four sentences convey the same meaning, indicating that warm colors such as orange and yellow are visible in Renoir paintings. In terms of punctuation, both sentences 3 and 4 include the use of "for example" as an introductory phrase. When using "for example" to provide examples or clarification, it is common to place a comma before it. Therefore, sentence 4 is the recommended form with the comma included.

A2: The pronunciation of "Renoir" commonly stresses the second syllable. It is pronounced as "ren-WAHR" with the stress on the second syllable (-WAHR).