How can u say the present consitiution is prepared according to the people will's n aspiration?

The present constitution reflects the people's will and aspirations.

How was the present Constitution written and ratified? Was it according to the people's will and aspirations? What has changed since then? Your thoughts?

To determine if the present constitution is prepared according to the people's wills and aspirations, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the Constitution: Start by obtaining a copy of the constitution in question. Read and understand its provisions, including the fundamental rights and principles laid out in the document.

2. Understand the process: Find out how the constitution was drafted. Research if there was a constituent assembly, a constitutional convention, or any other method used to create the constitution. Understanding the process can provide insight into whether it was a representative and inclusive process.

3. Analyze public participation: Assess the extent to which the general public was involved in the drafting process. Look for evidence of public consultations, surveys, town hall meetings, or any other mechanisms that allowed citizens to express their opinions and preferences. This may indicate the level of inclusivity and consideration of public will.

4. Review popular demands: Identify the major issues, demands, and aspirations of the people during the constitution drafting process. This can be done by looking at public opinion polls, historical records, or media coverage during that time. Compare these demands with the provisions of the constitution to see if they align.

5. Evaluate representation: Examine the composition of the drafting body or assembly responsible for creating the constitution. Consider the diversity of its members, including geographical representation, ethnic or religious diversity, and gender balance. A more diverse representation can increase the likelihood that different perspectives and aspirations were taken into account.

6. Assess public acceptance: Look at the post-constitution adoption phase. Analyze public reactions to the constitution, including debates, protests, or any other forms of public engagement. Assess if the constitution has generally been accepted and supported by the people or if there have been widespread criticisms or demands for amendments.

7. Consult experts and legal scholars: Seek the opinions of constitutional experts and legal scholars who have studied the constitution in question. They can provide insights into the extent to which the constitution embodies the wills and aspirations of the people.

By carefully examining the constitution and considering these steps, you can form a reasoned opinion about whether or not the present constitution was prepared according to the people's wills and aspirations.