After the daughter in "Two Kinds" has grown up her mother and for us to give her a piano for her birthday. This action shows that her mother.

Why do you think her mother gave her a piano? Your teacher doesn't want to know what I think, the teacher wants to know what you think. Read or re-read the story and look for hints/reasons why the mother does what she does.

Please proofread what you posted. It doesn't make sense.

Also have you been given choices? Or are you supposed to guess?

No, the post does not make sense as written. I am assuming this is an essay question, but it could be multiple choice. We have no way of knowing from this post. And how are we (us) involved in giving the piano?

The action of the mother in "Two Kinds" giving her daughter a piano for her birthday can be interpreted in different ways. It could be seen as an act of love and support, or it could be seen as a way for the mother to impose her own desires and expectations on her daughter. To fully understand the mother's intentions, we need to analyze the story and consider the context.

To analyze the mother's action, we can start by examining the text and identifying any hints or clues about her motivations. Rereading the relevant sections of the story can help to refresh our memory and inform our analysis. We can pay attention to the mother's dialogues, actions, and the author's narrative voice to gain insights into her character.

Additionally, it can be helpful to consider the background of the characters and their relationship dynamics. What has been established about their interactions and conflicts throughout the story? Are there any patterns or patterns of behavior that can shed light on the mother's intentions? Reflecting on these aspects can provide a more well-rounded understanding of the mother's decision to give her daughter a piano.

Furthermore, discussing different perspectives on the mother's action can help to deepen our analysis. Considering multiple viewpoints can enrich our interpretation and lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the story. Reading or researching literary critiques or discussions about "Two Kinds" can provide different insights and interpretations that might help illuminate the mother's actions.

Ultimately, the interpretation of the mother's action in "Two Kinds" may be subjective, as readers can have different readings and understandings of the story. By closely analyzing the text, examining character dynamics, and considering different viewpoints, we can form a more informed interpretation of the mother's intentions in giving her daughter a piano for her birthday.