I need help finding a principle of economics. The principal is people choose. The text is called "Why we're still fighting the civil war " by David Von Drehle. Time Magazine has the article.

My answer is "Abraham Lincoln said that a single issue dividing the nation is slavery. He declared that: one section of our country believes slavery is right and ought to be extended, while the other believes it is wrong and ought not be extended. This is the only substanial dispute".

In my experience, poor whites want to feel better than someone else. That is blacks or Hispanics.

My answer is wrong ??

I don't think very many people still think we ought to have slavery.

To find the principle of economics mentioned in the text "Why we're still fighting the Civil War" by David Von Drehle in Time Magazine, we must first understand what you mean by "people choose."

If "people choose" refers to an economic principle, a useful principle that aligns with this description is the concept of individual choice or consumer choice. This principle asserts that individuals, as consumers, have the freedom to make choices based on their preferences, resources, and constraints. It recognizes that consumers weigh the costs and benefits of different options and try to maximize their satisfaction or utility.

To relate this principle to the topic of the Civil War and Abraham Lincoln's quote, we can interpret it as acknowledging the different choices and beliefs people had regarding the issue of slavery. This principle encapsulates the idea that individuals make choices based on their values, beliefs, and preferences.

However, it's important to note that the quote you provided from Abraham Lincoln is not directly related to the economic principle of "people choose," but rather to the issue of slavery as a significant divide during the Civil War.

To locate the specific economic principle in the article, you should carefully read the text or use the article's search function to look for keywords related to economic principles like consumer choice, individual choice, or decision-making.