Which of the following was an achievement of the Mayas?

1) a system of canals in their main city?
2) the city of Tenochtitlan
3) a calendar
4) a strong army

I think it is 1 but not sure.
Thanks for your help.

Does your text discuss Mayan canals? Does it discuss anything in these websites?


yes, the calendar !

Thank you, Ms.Sue

Yes, the calendar. You're welcome, Jamie.

The achievement of the Mayas that you are referring to is actually number 3, a calendar. To confirm your answer, we can briefly discuss the significance of each option:

1) A system of canals in their main city: This option does not match the accomplishments of the Mayas. Instead, it aligns more with the achievements of the Aztecs, who built an intricate network of canals in their main city of Tenochtitlan.

2) The city of Tenochtitlan: This option is also incorrect. Tenochtitlan was indeed a major city, but it was founded and inhabited by the Aztecs, not the Mayas.

3) A calendar: Correct! The Mayas developed a highly complex and accurate calendar system. They based their timekeeping on astronomical observations and were able to identify celestial events such as solstices and equinoxes. The Maya calendar was an essential tool for tracking time and organizing important religious and cultural events.

4) A strong army: Although the Mayas were known for their strategic warfare tactics, they did not possess a large or particularly strong army compared to other indigenous civilizations in Mesoamerica. Therefore, this option is not accurate.

In conclusion, the correct answer is option number 3, the creation of a calendar. The Mayas were well-versed in astronomy and developed a sophisticated calendar system.