An auditorium ha s4200 seats.In a particular concet,1400 seats were vacant.What percent of the seats wereoccupied?

To find the percentage of seats that were occupied, we need to find the number of occupied seats and divide it by the total number of seats, and then multiply by 100.

Total number of seats = 4200
Number of vacant seats = 1400

To find the number of occupied seats, we subtract the number of vacant seats from the total number of seats:

Number of occupied seats = Total number of seats - Number of vacant seats
= 4200 - 1400
= 2800

Now we can calculate the percentage of occupied seats:

Percentage of occupied seats = (Number of occupied seats / Total number of seats) * 100

Substituting the values:

Percentage of occupied seats = (2800 / 4200) * 100
= 66.67%

Therefore, approximately 66.67% of the seats were occupied.

(4200 - 1400) / 4200 = ?

Multiply the decimal answer by 100 to get the percentage.