Why are the angles of an equilateral triangle always 60 degrees?

How many degrees are in the angles of a triangle?

What does equilateral mean?

Are all of the angles of an equilateral triangle the same?

in ANY triangle , equal sides have equal angles opposite them

equilateral means all sides equal , so all the angles are equal

the angles of a triangle sum to 180º , so the angles are each 60º

The angles of an equilateral triangle are always 60 degrees because of the properties and symmetry of equilateral triangles.

To understand why, you can start by considering a straight line. A straight line measures 180 degrees.

Now, let's imagine dividing this straight line into three equal segments. Each segment would then measure one-third of 180 degrees, which is 60 degrees.

If we connect the endpoints of these segments, we can form an equilateral triangle. Since all three segments are equal in length, all three angles formed at the vertices of the triangle would also be equal.

So, by dividing a straight line into three equal segments and connecting the endpoints, we create an equilateral triangle with angles of 60 degrees each.

In summary, the angles of an equilateral triangle are always 60 degrees because they are formed by dividing a straight line into three equal parts and connecting them to form a triangle.