The diameter of a wheel car is 42 much distance will it covers in 200 revolutions

suggest use .42 meters for D

200 * circumference
200 * .42 * pi = 2 * 100 * .42 * pi = 2*42*pi = 84 pi meters

To calculate the distance covered by the wheel car in 200 revolutions, you need to find the circumference of the wheel and then multiply it by the number of revolutions.

The circumference of a circle can be found using the formula: circumference = π × diameter

Given that the diameter of the wheel is 42 cm, we can calculate the circumference as follows:

circumference = π × 42 cm
circumference ≈ 3.14 × 42 cm
circumference ≈ 131.88 cm

Now that we know the circumference of the wheel is approximately 131.88 cm, we can calculate the distance covered in 200 revolutions:

distance covered = circumference × number of revolutions
distance covered = 131.88 cm × 200 revolutions
distance covered ≈ 26,376 cm

Therefore, the wheel car will cover approximately 26,376 cm (or 263.76 meters) in 200 revolutions.