Jada, Lin, and Elena are saving for a trip. Together they saved $120. Jada save$20 less than lin. Lin saved 3 time as much as elena.Write and expression to represent the total amount of money they saved.

L/3 = E

J = L - 20

J + E + L = 120

(L-20) + L/3 + L = 120

Solve for L, then insert the value into first two equations to find J and E.

To write an expression that represents the total amount of money they saved, let's break down the information given:

Let's represent the amount of money Elena saved as "E" dollars.
Since Lin saved 3 times as much as Elena, we can represent Lin's savings as "3E" dollars.
Since Jada saved $20 less than Lin, we can represent Jada's savings as "(3E - 20)" dollars.

The total amount of money they saved is the sum of their individual savings:
E + 3E + (3E - 20)

Combining like terms:
(E + 3E + 3E) - 20

Simplifying further:
7E - 20

Therefore, the expression that represents the total amount of money they saved is 7E - 20.