Jada, Lin, and Elena are saving for a trip. Together they saved $120. Jada save$20 less than lin. Lin saved 3 time as much as elena.

J+L+E = 120

J = L-20
L = 3E

L=3E, so
J = 3E-20

3E-20 + 3E+E = 120
7E = 140
E = 20

To find out how much money each person saved, let's break down the information given:

Let's say Elena saved x dollars.

According to the information, Lin saved 3 times as much as Elena, so Lin saved 3x dollars.

Jada saved $20 less than Lin, so Jada saved (3x - $20) dollars.

Now, we know that the sum of all their savings is $120. We can set up an equation to solve for x:

x + 3x + (3x - $20) = $120

Combining like terms:

7x - $20 = $120

Now, let's isolate x by adding $20 to both sides:

7x = $140

Next, divide both sides by 7 to solve for x:

x = $20

So, Elena saved $20.

Now, we can find Lin's savings by substituting x back into the equation: Lin = 3x = 3 * $20 = $60.

Lastly, we can find Jada's savings: Jada = 3x - $20 = 3 * $20 - $20 = $60 - $20 = $40.

Therefore, Elena saved $20, Lin saved $60, and Jada saved $40.