instructions state if deductive or inductive

1. No bankers are jokers. Harriet is a banker. Therefore, she is not a joker.
answer: deductive

2. Soledad O'Brien is either a TV news anchor or a newspaper reporter. Since she is not a newspaper reporter, it follows that she is a TV news anchor.
Answer: inductive

3. All famous politicians are celebrities. Some governors are famous politicians; therefore, some governors are celebrities
answer: deductive

inductive reasoning moves from specific instances into a generalized conclusion, while deductive reasoning moves from generalized principles that are known to be true to a true and specific conclusion. The accuracy of inductive reasoning is questionable

all correct.

Answer: inductive

To determine whether a statement is deductive or inductive, we need to understand the difference between the two types of reasoning.

Deductive reasoning is a type of logical reasoning that moves from general premises to a specific conclusion. In deductive reasoning, the conclusion is necessarily true if the premises are true. This means that if the premises are true, the conclusion cannot be false.

Inductive reasoning, on the other hand, is a type of reasoning that moves from specific observations to general conclusions. In inductive reasoning, the conclusion is probable, but not necessarily true. This means that even if the premises are true, the conclusion could still be false.

Now let's examine each statement provided and determine whether it is deductive or inductive.

1. No bankers are jokers. Harriet is a banker. Therefore, she is not a joker.
This statement is deductive because it follows a logical argument. If it is true that no bankers are jokers, and Harriet is a banker, then it logically follows that she is not a joker. The conclusion is necessarily true based on the premises.

2. Soledad O'Brien is either a TV news anchor or a newspaper reporter. Since she is not a newspaper reporter, it follows that she is a TV news anchor.
This statement is inductive because it is making a generalization based on specific observations. While it is true that Soledad O'Brien is not a newspaper reporter, it does not necessarily mean she is a TV news anchor. There could be other possibilities or professions that she could belong to. The conclusion is probable but not necessarily true based on the premises.

3. All famous politicians are celebrities. Some governors are famous politicians; therefore, some governors are celebrities.
This statement is deductive because it follows a logical argument. If it is true that all famous politicians are celebrities, and some governors are famous politicians, then it logically follows that some governors are celebrities. The conclusion is necessarily true based on the premises.