Why does Yoni think the Arab he finds is perfect for his film?

It was in Bethlehem, actually, that Yonatan found his Arab, a handsome man who used his first wish for peace. His name was Munir; he was fat with a big white mustache. Superphotogenic. It was moving, the way he said it. Perfect, the way in which Munir wished his wish. Yoni knew even as he was filming that this guy would be his promo for sure

dude he just wants help.

Yoni thinks the Arab he finds is perfect for his film because of several reasons mentioned in the passage:

1. The Arab, named Munir, used his first wish for peace. This implies that Munir is someone who prioritizes peace and has a noble character. Yoni may find this trait appealing and relevant to the theme or message of his film.

2. Munir is described as a handsome man with a big white mustache, making him visually appealing and potentially an interesting subject to film.

3. The passage mentions that Munir's wish was moving and the way in which he expressed it was perfect. This suggests that Munir has a genuine and heartfelt way of expressing himself, which could be captivating on film.

Based on these qualities and observations, Yoni has a strong intuition that Munir would be an ideal candidate to feature in his film promo.

My response is the same as before. Until you show some effort on your own, there's nothing we can do for you. We will not do your homework for you. The idea is for YOU to think.