1. What is the algebraic expression for the following word phrase: the sum of 3 and 4x?

2. What is the algebraic expression for the following word phrase: the quotient of 8 and the difference of x and y?

3. What is the algebraic expression for the following word phrase: the quotient of x and 2y?

4. Which word phrase can you use to represent the algebraic expression 4m?

5. A gym membership costs $30 to join and $12 each month. Write and use an algebraic expression to find the cost of the gym membership for 6 months.

Honestly I would help you but math is a foreign freaking language that I don't understand... And I actually came here for answers myself...

yall are being mean asf do u even know why the person might be copying for me I have Idk maybe like 4 different essays so yeah I would freaking copy and then later study it

if you are not gonna help then don't comment


Hey ranch, if you want to cheat go to brainly or open study where they are more than willing to give you the answers instead of making you actually do work and learn.

Writeacher not gonna help then leave

what the heck

@bot Write an algebraic expression for the following word phrase: the quotient of r and 12.

(1 point)

r • 12
r • 12

r + 12
r + 12

r ÷ 12
r ÷ 12

r – 12

1. The algebraic expression for the word phrase "the sum of 3 and 4x" would be written as 3 + 4x.

To arrive at this expression, we follow these steps:
- Identify the operation in the word phrase. In this case, it is "the sum of."
- Identify the numbers or variables involved. In this case, we have the number 3 and the variable 4x.
- Rewrite the word phrase as a mathematical expression, using the appropriate operation. In this case, we use the addition symbol (+) to represent the sum and write it as 3 + 4x.

2. The algebraic expression for the word phrase "the quotient of 8 and the difference of x and y" would be written as 8 / (x - y).

To arrive at this expression, we follow these steps:
- Identify the operation in the word phrase. In this case, it is "the quotient of."
- Identify the numbers or variables involved. In this case, we have the number 8 and the variables x and y.
- Rewrite the word phrase as a mathematical expression, using the appropriate operation. In this case, we use the division symbol (/) to represent the quotient and write it as 8 / (x - y). Note that we use parentheses to indicate that the difference of x and y is being divided into 8.

3. The algebraic expression for the word phrase "the quotient of x and 2y" would be written as x / (2y).

To arrive at this expression, we follow these steps:
- Identify the operation in the word phrase. In this case, it is "the quotient of."
- Identify the numbers or variables involved. In this case, we have the variable x and the variable 2y.
- Rewrite the word phrase as a mathematical expression, using the appropriate operation. In this case, we use the division symbol (/) to represent the quotient and write it as x / (2y). Again, we use parentheses to indicate that 2y is the divisor.

4. The word phrase that can represent the algebraic expression 4m is "4 times m" or "4 multiplied by m."

To understand this, we need to associate the concept of multiplication with the word "times" or "multiplied by." The expression 4m means multiplying the number 4 by the variable m.

5. To find the cost of a gym membership for 6 months, we can use the following algebraic expression: 30 + 12(6).

Here's how we arrive at this expression:
- Identify the fixed cost, which is the cost to join the gym. In this case, it is $30.
- Identify the variable cost, which is the monthly fee. In this case, it is $12 per month.
- Multiply the monthly fee by the number of months (6) to get the total variable cost: 12 * 6 = 72.
- Add the fixed cost and the total variable cost to get the total cost: 30 + 72 = 102.
- Therefore, the algebraic expression for the cost of the gym membership for 6 months is 30 + 12(6), which simplifies to 30 + 72 = 102.

And I'm actually learning a foreign language *Korean* and that's 3× easier then math for me!

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