To which subsets of real numbers does the number -22 belong? Choose all subsets that apply. (2 points)

whole numbers
rational numbers*
irrational numbers
natural numbers

A square football field has an area of 479 ft^2. What is the approximate length of the side field? Give your answer to the nearest foot. Explain your response.

Why would you square root it?


To determine which subsets of real numbers -22 belongs to, we can start by understanding the definitions of each subset:

1. Whole numbers: Whole numbers include all positive integers (1, 2, 3, ...) and zero (0). Since -22 is not a positive integer or zero, it does not belong to the subset of whole numbers.

2. Rational numbers: Rational numbers can be expressed as the ratio of two integers. Examples include fractions and terminating or repeating decimals. Since -22 can be expressed as -22/1, which is the ratio of the integers -22 and 1, it belongs to the subset of rational numbers.

3. Integers: Integers include all positive and negative whole numbers (..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...). Since -22 is a negative whole number, it belongs to the subset of integers.

4. Irrational numbers: Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as the ratio of two integers. They have decimal representations that neither terminate nor repeat. Examples include √2 and π. Since -22 can be expressed as -22.000000..., which has a repeating decimal representation, it does not belong to the subset of irrational numbers.

5. Natural numbers: Natural numbers are positive integers (1, 2, 3, ...). Since -22 is not a positive integer, it does not belong to the subset of natural numbers.

Therefore, the subsets of real numbers that -22 belongs to are the rational numbers and integers.

Your answers are right.

Since the field is square, each side must be the square root of the area.

The area is found by multiplying the length times the width. 22 * 22 = 484

Ok thank you!

You're welcome.