The difference of three times a number and 44 is −19−19

I've never heard of a school subject called rio mesa. Can you explain to me what you study in that class?

3n-44 = -19

44-3n = -19

To solve this problem, we need to translate the words into an equation. Let's start by breaking down the problem into smaller steps:

Step 1: Let's assume the number is represented by "x".
Step 2: We need to multiply the number by 3. So, the expression becomes "3x".
Step 3: We subtract 44 from the expression. The new expression becomes "3x - 44".
Step 4: Finally, we set the expression equal to -19. Our equation is "3x - 44 = -19".

Now that we have our equation, we can solve for the value of "x". Here's how:

Step 1: Add 44 to both sides of the equation to isolate the variable:
3x - 44 + 44 = -19 + 44
3x = 25

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by 3 to solve for "x":
(3x)/3 = 25/3
x = 25/3

Therefore, the value of the number is 25/3.