Where do I put parenthesis and brackets to make this true


14 - ( 12 / 3 + 5 ) • 8 =

14 - ( 4 + 5 ) • 8 =

14 - 9 • 8 =

14 - 72 = - 58

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To make the equation true, let's break it down and prioritize the correct order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS).

Given expression: 14 - 12 / 3 + 5 * 8 = -58

1. Start by evaluating the multiplication and division operations from left to right:
14 - 12 / 3 + 5 * 8 = 14 - 4 + 5 * 8

2. Next, calculate the remaining multiplication:
14 - 4 + 5 * 8 = 14 - 4 + 40

3. Now, perform the subtraction and addition from left to right:
14 - 4 + 40 = 10 + 40

4. Finally, solve the addition:
10 + 40 = 50

To obtain the desired answer of -58, we need to rearrange the expression using parentheses and brackets to modify the order of operations. Let's add the necessary parentheses:

(14 - (12 / 3) + (5 * 8)) = -58

Let's calculate this modified expression step by step:

1. Calculate the division within the parentheses:
(12 / 3) = 4

2. Perform the multiplication within another set of parentheses:
(5 * 8) = 40

3. Substitute the results into the main expression:
(14 - 4 + 40) = 50

Now, as you can see, using parentheses does not yield the desired result of -58. It seems that no arrangement of parentheses and brackets can make the original equation true.

14 - ( 12 / 3 + 5 ) • 8 = - 58



14 - ( 12 / 3 + 5 ) • 8 =

14 - ( 4 + 5 ) • 8 =

14 - 9 • 8 =

14 - 72 = - 58